
Amnésia, silences : qu’est ce qu’on voit ? qu’est-ce qu’ on regarde ?
Sans doute est –il nécessaire d’occulter une grande partie du monde pour en appréhender quelques menus détails ?
Dans la série opaque et incubo, que perçoit-on de l’autre, de son corps ? et quand tu fais des petits trous sur le voile je me disais : ne communique-t-on avec l’autre que par les cicatrices communes, des pointillées entre les humains ? …………peut-on voir ce qui a disparu ?
My work consists of research on the perception of reality. The threshold between reality, imagination and memory. The illusion of reality. Using images from documentaries, movies, i arrase a history which dos’nt belong to me and recreate another. The openings are like windows, meeting points from the inside and the outside, where the visible and the invisible, mingle the reality and the imaginary are interwound.
Espace temps, simulacre et lapin blanc
Série nominée pour le Prix Voies Off 2008 et désignée Mention d'honneur
A simulacre" designates somthing that only has the apparence of what it pretends to be. The loss of visual data of these images due to the succesiv layouts, brings the spectator in a new parallel space, which dos'nt seek so much as to seen real but rather to obtain from the looker a certain acknowledgement, a belief in a different reality..
[In] Visibility
My Work [in]visibility consists of a research on disappearance, loss of Memory and its representation in the art form. This is the result of a series of reshot portraits compiled into a single shot. These images, obtained from the Internet, are published photographs of soldiers who died during their service in Afghanistan. I subsequently attributed: - 1 rectangle for each of the 3485 soldiers who died in Afghanistan since 2001 - 1 colour for each of the 30 countries [ISAF] International Security and Assistance Force - 1 representation per year : 1 compiled soldiers and below the increasing number of fallen by years. By using the faces of these soldiers, this presentation seeks to portray their disappearance through the superposition of images and the diminishment of their size (rendering them into small rectangle, therefore making them less visible) as they disappear in our Memory. Through my work, I encourage deep analysis on the proliferation of these images, the accumulation of information, the loss of Memory and their impact on the public.